Horses for sale:
Click on the image to bring up a bigger picture. We usually have more photos of the horses listed that we
can email upon request.
If you are under the age of 18 and interested in one of our horses, please have a parent or guardian contact
us. Thanks!
If you are interested in one of our horses and would like to trade/partial trade for good hay of equal value
we are open to that in most instances.
We are looking for a new home for Clyde. He's
a grade quarterhorse gelding in his late teens and was brought to us for re-homing. he's lived in Remer, most of his
life, had a variety of owners, had an injury to his hip as a younger horse, but I have no idea who owned him at that time...or
how he was injured. He was a broke horse before he got hurt and has been used as a leadline ride for little kids.
He's the sweetest guy, gets along with everyone, is a very easy keeper and would also make a great companion horse.
you have the room in your heart and on your farm, for Clyde, please contact us. The pictures I'll be putting up, were
taken some time ago and quickly and on my ipod at the end of the day, but it will give you an idea of what he looks like.
he's probably close to 15 hands tall.
I would appreciate any small donation, upon placing Clyde, but a great home is the most important thing for him.
Clyde has found his new home, with my neighbor, as a companion horse.
LADY is SOLD. she will be used at a riding camp.Meet
Lady: She's a grade quarterhorse mare. She's a buckskin, approximately 13 years of age and around 14.3.
she was brought to me for re-homing, by her previous owner, who had used her as a "husband horse" for trail rides. I have
only ridden her once here, so far, briefly, as in walk, trot & turn in the yard. She was very good for tacking up and
for me to mount up. She basically "plow reins", but will do a modified neck reining, if you touch her neck on one side with
the reins and are able to use the same hand, to lightly pull back on the bit. She was someone's broodmare, before her last
home and appears to be just a nice-minded horse, that will willingly follow others on a trail ride, is just not always sure
what you are asking her to do. Could use a bit of finishing. She is very nice to work with, likes people and gets along
well in our small more on the submissive side. She is a much prettier color than these pictures show...a dark
gold with nearly "smutty buckskin" markings on her hip and shoulders. She is also "dappled" at this time. Priced at $700/BO.
SANTANA HAS SOLD! He has a great new home with a wonderful woman and 3 little
"short stacks"...ponies! He even has a "next door neighbor", that's almost as pretty as him. :-) Meet Santana! He is an 18 year old
sorrel & white Pinto gelding. He’s supposed to be part Arabian, but with
his longer neck and higher head carriage, it leads me to believe he may actually
be part Saddlebred. In any event, he’s a very nice, easy-going horse that was
ridden English, Western, bareback and did trail rides and overnight camping for
his previous owner. 2 of us rode him recently, with the snow & ice, it was
mostly: tacking up, mounting up, standing, walking, trotting & backing. I
rode him with a simple driving snaffle bit and he did very well. He's about 15 hands tall and has a slightly "lowered"
back, due to age...but I just used a nice "cut-back" pad. He’s a calm,
level-headed gelding that seems to be the type of horse that could work well for
most, if not all riding levels. I plan to take him to a local arena in the next
week for more riding. At this time, I have him priced at $1,500.00.
UPDATE: 1/29/17 Took Santana to a local friend's arena and had Kaitlyn ride him for an interested party. He
was wonderful, cantering on cue and loving it. Riding saddled, as well as bare-back. Learned that he "tracks"
his rider, when left to move freely in the arena.
Think we may have learned a new trick, "shake" as in what a dog does with it's paw, at least he seemed to do it on
command for treats. Hand-walked over mats, wood platforms and even a "teeter-totter board". He performed like
a real champ! Should also mention that I had his feet trimmed last week and he was very good for the farrier.
I have decided to keep Dutch here with me, as he's a safe ride for any number of riders that come out. Also, the medication
required for his Cushings is rather pricey. Meet Dutch! He is registered AHA, his
registered name is “Hot Damn HBB”. He’s a very well bred gelding with
Huckleberry Bey, being his grand-sire (hence the HBB is his name), Bay El Bey
& Bask, on his top side. He’s 21 and is a re-tired show horse. He carries
himself, more like an English horse, but rides more like a Western horse. I was
told he sets up nicely for halter, though I forgot to try that on the day we
rode. He’s a friendly gelding, but can be a bit impatient, when being tacked
up. He’s a very easy keeper, though I give him a small amount of grain once a
day, when I bring in all the pasture horses for graining. When he’s done and
ready to go out, he’ll “dance in place” in the tie stall, as I’m un-clipping the
butt rope. He’s a likeable “character”. He responds well to leg cues and his
rider should have a “light hand”. He has a current Coggins and had his teeth
floated in July, plus a 5-way and West Nile shots, last April. He’s been kept up
on wormer, etc. His previous owner said he was chased into and flipped over a
fence, last summer. She had him treated by a chiropracter and masseuse and
appears to be fine, now. I need to tape everyone, he looks to be 15.1 and would
do best with an intermediate rider or up. He also came with daily pills as his
old vet felt he possibly had a light case of Cushings. I crush one in his
grain, but all I’ve noticed is a slightly longer hair coat, which he sheds
entirely each year. There are absolutely no other symptoms. I have him priced
at $1,000.00/BO.
UPDATE: 1/29/17 Took him to the arena, today as well. He trailered real well. He got a bit "jiggy" waiting,
tied, to be ridden. However he enjoyed being tacked up and after being lunged, was ridden English at a walk, trot, &
canter. He looked marvelous and it was obvious that he's been shown English...very collected, always taking the right
lead, super responsive! He also went walking with me and crossed all the obstacles that Santana did. Wish I'd
taken videos.
I have placed CJ with some close friends, where he will have a safe home
for life, whether he is sound or not sound. He will get much love and the best of care. I just didn't feel I could guarantee
that he'd stay sound and didn't want him to be in a position where he could be re-homed, because of that. He’s a 2002, sorrel, AQHA
gelding. His registered name is “CJ Bar Bully”. He has an excellent pedigree,
having Doc’s Hickory, Doc Bar and Doc O’Lena, on his top side. He has Mr San
Peppy, on his bottom side. He’s totally cutting horse bred, on the top &
bottom. He’s a fancy little man, nice-bodied and has a gorgeous head....he
really looks like a “Doc Bar” horse! He sports a definitive brand, that I need
to research. This horse has had a lot of training...I even found a 7 year old
video of him being worked in an inside arena and riding extremely well, back
then. His previous owner bought him from a “dealer” that has an excellent
reputation and I am working with them to find out what he has been previously
used for. He was very easy to tack up, but when waiting to be pulled out of the
stall, to be ridden....he’ll “weave” a little. He’s very sweet and is most
relaxed when ridden by a confident rider. He’s about 14.3 and his previous
owner only used him for trail riding and she rode in a “Level 1” bit. He came
to her, wearing “T-Bar” shoes and is barefoot right now, but may need shoes if
ridden a lot. When ridden here, he was calm & very responsive. His
previous owner said he’d get a bit “hot” if his trail-mates started a ride, by
just taking off. None of my friends start a ride like that, but knowing that
makes me all the more, want to do more research on this guy. I need to know if
he’s been used for gaming or ??? This also tells me that he would do best with
an advanced or experienced rider. Because of his previous “price tag”, I won’t
know how to price him, until I can learn more of his history. He’s one fancy
little horse!
Just went back through the paperwork
that came with him and realized that he was is Washington state last May &
with the same owner for 9 years, before he came to MN. I will try to contact
that owner, this week. He also has a current Coggins and it appears that he has
been kept current on shots, worming, etc.
UPDATE: 1/29/17 I've been in contact with the
woman that owned him for 9-10 years. I found out she had "schooled" him for gaming (barrels & poles), with
some dressage lessons on some of his time off. She said he was always calm, entering the arena, with or without other
horses. Also, that he came from a ranch in Washington State, called: "Golden West Quarter-Horse". They
stated he was a real good colt that worked cattle well. I will be in contact with them and have sent more
questions to the woman that had him for many years. The more I learn about C.J., the better it gets!
SOLD-4/1/17: Meet Dolce (pronounced Dole-Chay)!
She’s an 11 year old quarterhorse mare. Her previous owner told me she came off
a ranch and that she’d had registration papers that she never got with her.
That part doesn’t really matter, but she definitely has the look of a “working
quarterhorse”. Someone put a lot of training into this mare, the right kind of
training. I had a friend ride her late last fall and she was doing
side-passing, roll-backs, quick stops, reining on a dime. She was ridden with
a “Jr. Cow-horse bit”. She worked calmly and extremely well. The only thing
that makes her less than perfect, is an old injury in the fetlock area of her
front right leg. I had my vet examine it, before she was ridden here....he said
it was purely “cosmetic”. He said it felt like it contained fluid that he could
drain, but it would just come back & surgery to remove it, could result in
damaging the joint area. It doesn’t seem to bother her, at all. I will take a
picture of it, to put on this ad, this week. Her previous owner said that she
came from the ranch that way. I’m guessing that’s the reason she was initially
sold. If she were in serious competition or a lot of ranch work, there would be
the chance she could “whack it” on something and have to take the day/some time
off. Her last owner just rode her on a few trail rides, where she worked well.
I have no way of knowing how she’d hold up, working or competing, but she has
worked fine on trails and I believe she could be a wonderful lesson horse.
She’s extremely sweet and a beautiful little mare. I also need to tape her, but
believe she’s 14.3-15 hands tall. I’m asking $1,000.00/B.O. for
EBONY SOLD- 6/6/17
Ebony is up for sale again! Don't miss out on a great mare, like this.....
I may have saved the most “fun” horse for last. This is Ebony, a.k.a.
“Big Momma”! She is a 19 year old Percheron mare and is a smaller than average, draft horse. This
just makes her more wonderful to tack up, as she can be ridden in a Cordura or basic saddle with “Quarter Horse”
bars....just be sure you have a cinch that’s long enough. I sold her to a wonderful family 8 years ago and when
the wife realized that she wasn’t using her as much as she used to, she brought her back to me. This big girl
has ridden in, 5 parades, been ridden singly & doubly, by 2 young girls and has done a bunch of trail rides. I have
a number of great, detailed emails from her, telling me everything a person would want to know about this mare. The
only 2 things that they learned over all those years, is that the mare definitely prefers female farriers and that, when they
thought about driving her, the blinders terrified her. To me, that’s all too obvious that some horrid man, was
abusive to this big girl. She was wonderful to saddle up, when bridling...she put her head up and had her teeth shut,
but simply sliding a finger along her gum...opened her mouth and the bit was in. The fact that she’s smaller,
made it easy to do. She’s so much fun to ride! When keeping to a slower trot, it’s very smooth.
She direct reins, but also you can do the neck reining “cheat”, holding the reins in one hand and doing a
combo, neck/direct rein. She backs like a pro and walks right out. Asking her to stand in one place, for
pictures that day, she did a little pawing of the ground, but not much. Her “pen mates” are currently a
large pony & a quarterhorse about a trio! Because she’s a big girl and direct reins, rather
than a total neck reining, She needs to go to a rider of intermediate or experienced rider. I’ll be taping her
as well, but she is probably no more than 15.2 hands tall. All of these horses are looking for long term/permanent homes
and most, if not all of the previous owners would like to know where they end up. So if you’re any sort of “horse
jockey”, you needn’t contact me. They are all here, not as rescues...they all had wonderful homes....they
are looking to be re-homed. I’m asking $1,200.00/B.O. for Ebby.
UPDATE: Willow is sold & heading to her new home!
I recently got in a new mare, named Willow.
She is a red dun, 16 year old, Quarter Pony, on the small side. I need to tape her, but realistically, she is about
12 hands tall. She is an exact replica of a fill size Quarter Horse, only miniaturized. She's very beautiful and
correct, but has been foundered in the past so needs to be kept "on a dry lot", no pasture. Also, good grass hay and
possibly a little oats and/or senior feed, is what she should be fed. Nothing that would put "heat" in her feet.
If you are not able or not interested in doing this for her, do not contact me to make an appointment to come and
see her. She deserves an owner that cares & will take good care of her. She's a pretty special little girl.
I had a good friend, that rides very well and is smaller than me, out to ride her. I will be putting up a number of
pictures of them, working together. First to a description of her attributes and abilities:
1. Even though she lived alone for 4 years before coming here, if she's tied in the
barn for tacking up, she WILL answer neighing from her new buddies that are outside and Will jig around a bit, but if you
get after her, she knows better.
2. After deciding to stand still, she is easy to tack up.
3. She rides very well in an "S" hack; a hackamore of any type would work well.
Her size makes it so a "pony" saddle would most likely pinch her withers. She was ridden her in a 14" saddle that our
friend brought over and an even smaller 13" would fit even better. All my cinches were way too big so we used the cinch
off my old, small pony saddle. It worked great.
4. She knows how to lunge very well, including stopping & reversing direction.
5. She stood for mounting, but then Kaitlyn gets ride on up, don't know how she'd
do if someone was hanging off her side, before getting up.
6. She neck reins/turns, stops, backs, walks and trots & canters easily,
with a "kiss sound" or light heel tap.
7. Because my farrier is still working with her feet and they are coming along nicely,
she is a little hesitant to canter, at first and it may be because she could be a little sore. For that reason, the
new owner may want to shoe her in front or use "easy boots" to keep her comfortable, when being ridden.
8. Forgot to mention, that she's real easy to walk right up to & halter &
lead. For her 1st trim here, by the farrier, she didn't stand perfectly still like a little angel, but she wasn't hard
to trim, either.
This little mare will be harder for me to show as I'm too big to ride her and I don't have
the right tack to fit her. Our smallest saddles are 15" ones. So if anyone would like to try her out, it would
work best, if they had a smaller size saddle and a smaller person to ride her. I should also mention, that her last
owner told me that she'd been used for 2 years, to teach little kids to ride, while being supervised. Then she had 2
years off. She had her for 4 years and she thinks that the mare was used for gaming some, previous to her owning her.
She will "wake up a bit", if trotting a pole pattern, so that is probably true. Willow is one BROKE pony! She
also has a "good mind". She would probably work best for a little kid that had some experience riding or to be led around
with little beginners on her, until they learned enough to be able to ride on their own. Asking price is $600.00.

MEET WILLOW! All the above pics show her being ridden
on Sunday, August 28th.
6/08/16: Sold My Buddy Charlie-He will be missed, but he went to thee ideal home. :-) Charlie is a 14 year old Arab/Quarter Horse gelding. He stands around 13.3. I still
need to "tape" him. He came in from a nice family that bought Nigel. He simply wasn't the right horse for the
12 year old. They hadn't had him all that long and his previous owners were an older couple that had him for 5
years and just trail rode him. He likes the mare that I kept him with, overnight and I will be putting both into the
main herd today. I rode him in the "driving bit" that he came in, but I will be changing that to a Jr. Cowhorse
or something else. They had just direct reined with him, but he is decent at neck-reining, just needs a bit more time.
At his 5 year home, he was the only horse, so it took him a bit to adjust to his last home and a group of horses. I
was told to take my time, saddling him up and tighten the cinch a couple easy, spaced pulls. It works well. He
barely moved as I mounted up, walked, trotted (he can slow trot as well as "pony trot") and cantered easily. He wasn't
spooky about anything and we had cars going by close, the last one with headlights on as it was turning to dusk. Being
a small horse, he should have a shorter adult, not a total beginner, or an experienced child. He really feeds
off nervousness, so his rider should have a calm demeanor. He's a wonderful little guy, quite short backed, so a 13
or 14" saddle would probably fit him much better than my 15" one. He comes with a current Coggins certificate.
Asking $750.

UPDATE 11/24/15: Royal went to his hew home today.
Royal is a grade Arabian gelding. He came to us with Lightning. I forgot to ask his age so will do that,
as well as try to get a good idea, by "toothing" him. We sold him years ago, as a thinner, green-broke gelding.
The family that bought him, put some time on him, then sold him to a family that he worked fine for, until the 2 people
riding him had surgeries and he went unridden for a long time. When they did get on him again, he had become, herd-bound
and a bit unruly. That's why he ended up coming back to us. I need to tape him, but he's around 15 hands tall
and rides in a hackamore, due to the fact that he's had considerable dental work done....multiple floatings and one or more
teeth pulled. He went to the arena yesterday, with the other 5 and was very good for tacking up, though will try holding
his head a little high to try & avoid the headstall. He stood totally still for mounting and like all the others,
was very comfortable in an arena setting, both passing and being passed, by other horses that were right next to him.
He went from a walk to a trot with very little encouragement and then into a lope. He has a slow, comfortable trot,
as well as a big "floaty" trot, like a dressage horse. His neck-reining training was started a while back, but
it needs to be finished. He is a very responsive horse. We haven't taken him out on trails yet, as it's
deer hunting season (rifle). However he will need at least an intermediate rider that is also a confident rider.
Our friend that rode him yesterday is a very good rider and he was very relaxed with her. He will most likely be priced
from $500-750.00, depending on how he does on trails.

SOLD...Ride on Bella & Lightning!:Lightning is a 12 year old grade pony gelding. I forgot to
tape him yesterday, but I believe he's around 13.2. I got him in from a good friend that saved him from "being disposed
of". His only issue, is that he was foundered about 7-8 months ago and didn't receive proper farrier care, until my
friend brought him home. His feet look pretty nice right now, but his next owner will want to do regular farrier work,
to keep them that way. He will still be a bit sore, if made to stand on concrete for long periods of time or is made
to trailer for hours. This will just keep getting easier on him, as long as he is fed properly and his feet are looked
after. At this point in his life, he does well on good GRASS hay, NOT alfalfa and NO grain. At some point, he
may need a bit more and I've given foundered horses small helpings of oats and some can have a little senior feed, but one
has to be careful. He will be with the main herd for the winter, but if still here in the spring, will be pulled out
for the summer, as good, fresh, green grass, could also cause him to re-founder. We are trying to find out why he foundered
originally. This may sound a bit complicated, but it isn't and he
is a real "diamond in the rough". He will ride in an assortment of bits, but prefers a simple hackamore. Yesterday
a group of us, took a group of the horses to the fairgrounds arena to try out and he was wearing an "S" hack and performed
like a champ! Decent to tack up, moved around a little, but then he's only been with us for 2 days.
He could use a little work on standing still for the rider to mount up, but was happy to be ridden with the group, did his
walk-trot-started his canter, willingly, but the riders saddle was too big so it would slip. We don't think he's been
ridden much in the last few years so can be a bit "rusty" at neck-reining, but did get into it. He'd be a wonderful
"step up" for some kid that had out-grown their pony and knew how to ride. He's a sweet little horse, that's used to
living with a herd of cows and now resides with a herd of much larger horses, so minds his manners and gets along just fine.
He is priced at $375.00.


SOLD:These 2 mares are sisters, they are 7 and 8 years old and originated in Nebraska. A MN man
went down there to bring home a show pony and found the remaining 10 out of an original 40 ponies, in need of new homes.
He was told the aged owners were in a rest home and the place was coming up for auction. He had room to take 5.
This fall, one year later, our farrier has the young stallion, I have these 2 girls, 1 passed away due to medical complications
and one is still with him, being ridden by his grand-daughter. The sad part
is: we don't know if these girls were ever registered, shown at halter, had any driving training, etc. What we
do know is that they are halter-broke and would make a great looking driving pair. The main color difference is in the
front "socks". Sassy's match and are closer to the knee, Sweetie has one taller than the other and they are shorter.
She is also more like a "Modern" in the front end, finer boned and having a longer, leaner neck. Haven't taped them
yet, but they are a little taller than your typical "mini". They came with their names and they are quite
fitting....Sweetie is friendlier and Sassy, a bit elusive, but comes right up for feed/hay. Sassy is priced at $150.00,
Sweetie is priced at $125.00, or the pair can go for $200.00.
We would definitely consider a trade or partial trade for: square bales of grass hay, square bales of alfalfa hay, some
straw bales or bags of shavings.

SOLD:Trixie has found a home as a companion horse for a P.O.A. I am very happy for her!
:-) Trixie is a 21 year old, grade quarterhorse mare. She stands 14.2-14.3 and has been used as a trail horse.
Her previous owner hadn't ridden her much, if at all in the past few years. When she got her, she already had the muscle
atrophy in her topline that she obviously, still has. She said that she simply "double-padded" her and she rode just
fine, also said she could be a little jazzed up, briefly, when she hasn't been ridden for long periods of time. We will
be riding her this weekend to see how she does. We had our equine massage therapist out and she showed us an exercise,
that can be done, to strengthen the muscles in her back. She's a nice mare, needs grain daily, trailers, well, is good
for the farrier and is UTD on everything. Her previous owner had her Coggins tested every year, until this year, as
she hadn't left the farm and was only with one other horse, that was also Coggins tested every year. Her pictures, as well as some of the others, had "auto flash" dialed in. Since it was a
cloudy day, in some of the pictures her eye/eyes, may have a yellow reflection in them, from the pre-dusk flash. Her
eyes are totally brown and totally fine.
UPDATE 11/09/15: The above pictures, framed in blue, were taken on 11/07/15, at the arena.
Trixie was 1 of 6 that we took there to ride. She's been with us for months, but due to the fact that she has the muscle
atrophy in her topline, I put off riding her, thinking she'd be more of a companion horse. I had no idea what to expect,
even though her previous owner of many years (a very kind & honest woman), had said that she'd simply "double-padded"
her and trail rode her. She hadn't been ridden at all for quite some time. I was thrilled to learn that she tacked
up without moving a muscle and took the bit like a lady. Due to my disabilities, I had Brook hold onto her as I
mounted problems there. Then I just rode off, walking and trotting. I encouraged her to canter when her
trot sped up and she willingly went into it! She has a nice slow trot, as well as a fast one and when she leveled off
on her canter, I was able to "rock" in the saddle so as to ride it smoothly. She backs in a straight line with one fingertip
on the reins and has a real nice "rein" on her. She is a very well broke mare. I believe I called her a grade
quarterhorse, but with the mottled skin on her muzzle, it's obvious that she is a quarterhorse/appaloosa cross.
When I was done, she really wanted to rub her head on me....reminding me of one of my old apps, but I discouraged her.
Because of her back, I have no idea of how long she'd be comfortable on a long trail ride, but she was sure happy to
be worked in the arena....ears forward and extremely responsive. She is NOT a "deadhead" so would need at least an intermediate
rider. I actually can't wait to ride her again and would prefer to keep her here, as a spare horse, but if I can find
her the right home, I'll sadly let her go. She trailer's like a champ. I'm asking $750.00 for her and if I didn't
already have a wonderful trail horse, I wouldn't be putting her up for sale.

Meet Rumor! Rumor is a 2003 sorrel overo, PTHA mare. She is broke to ride and has even
been tied to picket lines for overnight camping. The day I picked her up, she loaded right up in the trailer and traveled
quietly, alone, for the 3 hour ride home. This mare rides in a hackamore. The woman I got her from, bought her
4 years ago, from a woman who brought her up from Oklahoma(?), along with 2 others. Seems the original owner had
gone through a break-up and was unable to get the mares APHA papers from her "ex". Her last owner was only given her
age and the fact that she had "Scribbles" in her pedigree. She wisely had her registered with the Pinto Horse Registration,
a "color" registration and chose the name, "Scribble Me A Rumor". Her reg.# is: 146434. She had a gorgeous
palomino colt, this year, a grandson of our old AQHA reining stallion, Jackson. She has only 3 boxstalls and decided
she would keep her 3 geldings and rehome this mare. In a pasture situation, if Rumor is "targeted" by another horse,
she WILL defend herself. She's a very beautiful mare and was ridden by a friend of ours this week and taken out with
my daughter and her horse for a short ride. Sounds like she was easy to tack up and not at all spooky and did a steady
comfortable trot. She is not a "deadhead". She stands 14.3-15 hands, I need to tape her. Our close friend
will be riding her again, soon, to see if she is the right horse for her. If she does not want to buy her, she will
be listed for sale. She has a current Coggins. Her price will be in the area of $1,000.00.
Rumor Is Sold: The mare has "big shoes to fill" so my best to both her and Lena! :-)

MEET ELVIS! Elvis is a 14 year old, sorrel mule gelding, the son of an APHA overo mare, Blue Eyed
Snookum. We bought the pair at auction in 2002, when he was a yearling. He was sold to a close friend in 2003,
as a gift for her husband. He went to a mule trainer and was broke to ride and may have had some driving training.
He came back to their ranch and ended up just living in the pasture, so was sold to a nice family in southern MN.
Their daughter rode him, English for a few years, not sure if it was mostly on their farm or if he had much, if any, trail
time. The daughter went on to college and Elvis was used for 5 years. Her folks had our contact info and were
kind enough to send him back to us, in order for us to find him a new home. Before I picked him up, he was taken to
a local horse trainer for a "refresher". I talked to him the day I picked Elvis up and got the feeling that the 2 of
them were definitely not a good "match". When it dries up around here, I'll be trying him in our outside arena, where
the whole herd spends all day, eating from the round bales we put out. His ad will be updated at that time.
He gets along wonderfully with the horses, is a very easy keeper and is a very friendly guy! He's about 15
hands tall, I'll need to "tape" him. Elvis has a current Coggins and is UTD on worming and shots.
UPDATE: Elvis sold this past weekend to a friend that owns and works with
mules. We wish Elvis and his new owner/buddy the best!

THIS IS NIGEL! Nigel is a 2002 AHA gelding, registered Arabian,
for those of you who don't get into abbreviations. He came to us from a wonderful woman, that had adopted from us in
the past. He's been a trail horse for her for years. He's totally broke, but needs at least an intermediate rider.
He's an easy keeper, gets along very well in a herd situation and came to the farm, along with his stable-mate, Gunner.
He hasn't been ridden much in the last year or so and can be a little "silly" as in: he seems to want to act over-concerned
about things, if you'll "fall for it". :-) He's wonderful to tack up and she had ridden him in a snaffle, but
I used a Jr. Cow-horse bit, riding with a "light hand" and he did just fine. On a recent ride out with a friend riding
Gunner, he actually preferred that Gunner stayed in front. I'd like to get at least one more, long ride on him, before
I show him. Haven't "taped" him yet, but he's at least 14.3. Asking $775.00. Also, before I'm asked, the last owner got him from someone that had wanted
to use him as a gaming horse, but said he didn't want to do it, so I'm selling him as a trail horse.
UPDATE: Nigel went to the arena with the group. He trailers well and I'm sure he tacked up
well for my friend, as he was very good for me, but he could use a little work on ground manners, when you're on the ground.
With all the hub-bub and people and horses moving in and out of the arena, I was left holding 2. My mare was perfect,
Nigel was on a mission to move out. I managed just fine and he was much better at the farm, 2 weeks earlier, but just
needed to mention it. He really "shone" in the arena, appearing to really be enjoying himself. Trotted comfortably,
easily transitioned into a canter that just went on and on. He seemed to be more used to the arena, than the road at
home. He definitely needs at least an intermediate rider with confidence.
UPDATE 11/14/15: NIGEL SOLD TODAY. His future will include: 4-H, drill team & trail rides.

THIS IS GUNNER! He is a 7-8 year old grade quarter-horse
gelding, but we actually think there's another breed mixed in with that. He actually is built and moves more like a
horse with some Morgan or Warmblood in his background. His previous owner bought him from us as a 1-2 year old.
This guy has personality PLUS! His stable-mate, Nigel, is a friendly horse, but this guy is so much more. He only
direct reins at this time, but even though he was barely ridden this past year, is a pretty confident horse on the trail/road.
When asked to trot, he generally curls his neck and moves out into a slow, comfortable trot, more like a WP horse. He
puts his mouth on stuff, is generally curious and is also a VERY easy keeper, very friendly and gets along extremely
well in a herd. He'll stand back and "observe" little pasture dramas....all the time, staying completely un-involved.
He's a smart one and the right person would really enjoy spending time with him. I think this guy could go in a number
of directions. If I were inclined to learn Dressage, he might make a good partner. He's very solidly built, at
least 14.3 and is also good to tack up. I would also like to get him out, one more time, before showing him. Asking
UPDATE 11/09/15: We took Gunner to the arena with the other 5 horses, 2 days ago. He trailered
well, this time he had 2 more riders and the first used an Aussie saddle. Once again, he was good to tack up, used a
snaffle bit and stood for mounting. He was very relaxed, like all the others, mainly trotting in a group setting.
He was direct reined as he needs to learn to neck rein (if so desired). The second rider used a Western saddle and ended
up riding alone in the arena, as the other horses were done. She trotted him comfortably and easily, then put him into
a nice slow canter, then extended it. The pictures will show that. THEN, the train came roaring by, it being only
1 block from the arena, that was when he got nervous, with all the noise and realizing he was all alone in the arena.
She got him to stand and face it and all ended well. However, Gunner needs at least an intermediate rider, due to being
not completely, a finished horse. On a horse to person relationship level, his personality still "outshines" every other
horse on the farm, in my opinion!
UPDATE: 11/13/15
- Gunner sold today!

CLF DOCS PEPPY PENNY: AQHQ 2000 sorrel mare, #3929612. On her papers is: Doc Bar, on
the top and Peponita, on the bottom. Penny's back, after having gone through at least 4 different owners since 2009!
The last people that owned her were very kind and concerned only with her well-being. I got a bunch of information from
them and will try to remember it all so I can post it to this ad.
We had only used her as a broodmare, but she has since been broke to ride. From what we understand, the last trainer
to work with her, did everything right, but whoever broke her out, may have done more harm than good. She's great in
the pasture and happy to be back, but we haven't ridden her here yet. We were told that one needs to be easy-going with
her and she may have suffered some sort of back injury a couple years ago, when she was first broke out, as well as some mental
trauma, but she is a very forgiving mare and is "back to being her old self". She has been successfully ridden
since then, on trails, by a good trainer who thinks she'll do O.K. for a light-weight rider that can mount & dismount
smoothly. A couple of visits from an equine massage therapist would help, as well. She's always been a kind
horse and a friendly horse. Penny stands about 14.2. I need to "tape her".
We will be asking $375.00 for Penny. I'd like to see her in a "broodmare role" again. If I place her as a companion
horse, I need to know for sure, that's all that will be expected of her and the price will be much less.....her papers would
not go with her, as a companion.
UPDATE: 1/22/16
- Penny found a wonderful new home, where she will be living out her life as a companion horse.

MEET SULTAN! He is a PTHA 2003 gelding. His registered name is Sultans CLE a.k.a. "Sunny".
He's a by tobiano, his reg.# is: 115776 and his bloodlines trace back to Padron on his top side and Khemosabi on the bottom.
He's about 15 hands tall. He is currently being "refreshed" at a friend's farm and is coming along marvelously.
He has a current Coggins test. More info & pics coming soon!
UPDATE: 1/24/16 Sultan is now "SOLD"! Looks like he's going to be a 4-H horse with his new "owner
to be", Isabelle. :-)

Sold-Whinny: Whinny is a 10 year old, grade appaloosa
mare. She is broke to ride and was used at a riding stable. She neck reins and is used to being ridden with a
hackamore. She is easy to tack up, may circle a time or two, then stands for mounting and will ride out alone for someone
who knows what they're doing, but is happier with another horse or a group of horses. When in front, she may stop and
need a tap with your heel to get going again. When following, does great. She isn't overly ambitious, so could
work well for a beginner. We were told she may "pull" every now and then, when tied. We haven't had her do that,
but it is not uncommon for a "riding stable horse" that may stand tied for hours on end, at the stables. She is friendly,
good for the farrier and gets along with our main herd, very well. She stands 14.2-14.3. Asking $1,000.00

Nahr Serr Nebah: Registration# AHR*543889 - Nebah is an 18 year old registered Arabian gelding.
He was gelded here, April 24th, 2 1/2 weeks ago. He was a very respectful stallion and should make someone a great companion
horse or...even as an older horse, could be broke to ride. He is not a spooky horse and being the level-headed and intelligent
boy, that he is, could make someone a great training project. Before I brought him home, he was running with 2 mares,
in a pasture. He had become either temporarily or permanently sterile. He's tall, lanky and long-legged.
Being well-bred, desert-bred, from the Turfa line, he could make an endurance horse prospect. I'd appreciate getting
something towards his geld, but putting any price on him, is not nearly as important as finding him a safe, long-term home.
Update: He's been living in the main pasture
for months, now, and has been getting along great. It's so good to be able to allow him to be a "regular guy" in a herd
UPDATE: I placed Nebah on 1/8/16. I brought him back
home on 1/11/16. I learned a little more about his likes & dislikes. He went to some wonderful people to keep
an older mare company, as the gelding currently living with her was going out for training. Seems Nebah was fine
with the arrangement for the first couple days, but on day 4, began to "act out". So I now know that he's good when
with just one other horse and good in a larger group, be it all mares, all geldings or mixed....but it seems he is less than
happy when he's with 2 other horses, when one's a mare and one's a gelding.
UPDATE: 6/29/16 Nebah finally has a home where he should be happy and do very

Update 1/8/16: Nebah sold today. He will be a companion horse for a nice older mare.
Below Pictures Are Of Lady:

SOLD:LADY: 15 year old grade Paint mare. Lady is a flashy buckskin/dun
tobiano mare. We believe she was started under saddle when when she was young and then just used as a broodmare
(not ridden) in the intervening years, up until about 18 months ago. In the last year and a half Lady has gone on quite
a few rides and is coming along nicely. She needs a confident rider with experience. She takes confidence from her rider and
would not be suited to a beginner, young child or nervous rider. More info coming soon.

Placed in his new home in early May:
Sonic- Aged Arab gelding, he is very well broke, super sweet and he really likes people. We got him
back, after having placed him years ago. His owner wasn't graining him and being an older guy, he wasn't making it on
a round grass bale like the younger horses he was in with. We put him on our rehab page at that time. He has his
weight back on, but needs to be grained every day and I give him alfalfa hay. He's still real hairy, and he has a bit
of a sway-back.....I double padded him, but he tacked up great and I rode him in a simple hackamore. He hasn't been
ridden for awhile, but he's very broke and was content to stand still after just a minute in the yard. He did a little
circling when I mounted up, but I just swung up anyway, not a problem. He is pretty tall, haven't taped him, but he's
over 15 hands. He could go to an confident beginner on up, but being older, should be more of a "light use" horse.
He should also have a lightweight rider, child or small adult. Asking $200.00.
We've decided to place Sonic, at no cost, to a good, permanent home. Reason being, that though
he's very broke and a wonderful horse, you have to have a saddle that fits him just right, due to his swayback and it has
to be positioned in the just right spot.....or he is uncomfortable and twitchy and non-responsive and won't ride well.
I can't take the chance, for his sake, to send him out as a riding horse, knowing that his new owners might get it wrong.
I want him safe, well cared for and loved.....not misunderstood. He'd make an awesome companion horse and after all
the work he's done in his life, he deserves just that.....retirement.

Update: 1/10/15 - Sierra left with a close friend today so that she can ride her in her indoor arena. This
is a broke mare that's done Huntersville, Pillager State Park, etc. We just don't have all her past history, so we'll
see how much she does know, as in leg pressure, cues, etc. I do know that she's been lunged quite a bit and is good
with that, as well.
Update: 4/1/15 - Sierra's been back home for weeks, as we had another mare that needed riding, so we swapped out
the two. I found her next to last owner, turns out it's someone we know and respect. She trains and does barrel
racing and works with problem horses for people. She told me that they sold Sierra when they realized she wasn't going
to make a barrel horse. Sierra is one of those smart horses that will test you, when you ask her to do something she
doesn't want to do. The trainer told me that she'd get after her, every time she mis-behaved. She said the mare
figured it out pretty quick and stopped testing them. Her last owner had problems with her stopping and backing up when
she didn't want to do something. He's taken her to someone to work with and even rode her there, getting pointers on
what to do when she tried this. Even though he'd ridden her at Huntersville and Pillsbury, it bothered him that
he had to "stay on top of the situation" and not just relax and ride. That is how we ended up with her. Our buddy,
that had taken her home, told us that when she was good, she was very good, but when she was not, she was a challenge.
She is a broke horse and can move out under saddle with her head tucked in a slow trot, like a pleasure horse For the
reason that she can present a challenge, at times, we're going to list her, "as is", looking for a new owner that likes
working with horses like this. I don't know that we'll be riding her here, as I am semi-disabled and just getting up
on her.....she's a tall a challenge for me. She is priced at $500/BO.

SOLD: Amond & Danzi: Registered Norweigian
Fjords. 18 year old gelding (Maggie Lane's Amond) and 17 year old mare (Maggie Lane's Springdanz). These 2 have been
together their whole lives so we prefer to place them together. Amond has been ridden here once, very briefly, but he
was wonderful to tack up and get on and quietly direct-reined around in the corral. I was pretty impressed (even though
Fjords have such an even, quiet, all around nice personality), as I know that nothing much (riding or driving) has
been done with him for the last 2 years.
We were fortunate to have been in contact with someone that owns Danzi's daughter and had some information
on both horses' pasts. We were told that not only is Amond broke to ride, he is very well broke to drive and has been
driven in parades. It sounds like Danzi has also been either ridden or driven and we're still working on finding more
information on that topic. We know she's had at least one foal. They are both on the "very healthy" side, we've
managed to trim a little weight off. They both look wonderful and are extremely easy keepers. Danzi has been foundered,
but her feet are nearly back to normal and she hasn't taken a misstep since she's been here.
Amond and Danzi are very friendly, the past two years they have been mainly "pets". Danzi especially will innocently
invade your space and gently check you over looking for treats. They are both easy to catch and love attention. Amond
and Danzi have sweet, easy-going dispositions and get along great with the two small ponies they have
lived with the last few years. We are asking $1,500 for the pair and would prefer to place them that way. If placed seperately,
Amond will be priced at $1,200 and Donzi at $500.

Pickles Has A New Home! Pickles: 12 year old grade paint
mare. For the last few years Pickles has been a wife to "Bob the donkey". They've had a number of mule
foals together. I was told she has either white or spotted ones. When she was younger, she'd had people on her
back and was led around with them on, but was never fully broke out. We're looking for a safe, long-term home for Pickles.
We would give her to such a home or include her at no extra charge, to whomever purchases Bob.......incase they'd like to
see the successful "marraige" of the two, continue. She's friendly and halterbroke and an excellent mother.
Update: Pickles has found a new home!

SOLD: Lily: 6 year old grade mini mare. She's been saddled
and ridden by children, but not in the past 2 years. She's a very sweet little mare, we'll need to "tape her" for an
actual height. She came in with the Fjords and one other pony and they all live together. Lily has been foundered
and her feet are looking much improved with the proper trimming she's receiving. She gets around with no discomfort.
She's on a diet of clean grass hay and should probably be kept out of big grassy pastures so as not to re-founder. We
are asking $150 for Lily.

SOLD: Sketcher: 5 year old Miniature gelding. Sketcher comes
with a Temporary Certificate of Registration with the AMHR. I had never heard of a "temporary" one before,
though I did notice that their was nothing recorded his height. Possibly the registration was waiting for his mature
height in order to classify his "mini" size??? He was foaled on 5/03/2010. It really has no bearing on his placement
as we're looking for a good home for him as a companion pony. He's very sweet and a bit too "stout".
He gets along great, but was born with a disability. He has one back leg that's weaker, causing him to place it more
inward, when he walks. It doesn't bother him, but as a companion pony, she should be with a mild-mannered friend.
A mean buddy would most likely take advantage of the fact that he wouldn't be able to get out of the way of a kick or a bite,
very quickly. Friendly and sweet and halterbroke, he'd be a good friend for anybody. We are asking $50 for Sketcher,
to a good long-term home.

SOLD Salty: 19
year old grade Arabian mare. Salty is a sweet, smaller Arab mare with pretty head and a kind eye.
She stands tied and trailers very well. Salty has only been ridden here a couple times. She seemed
uncomfortable to my daughter when she first started riding her, (she did not do anything wrong but seemed a little stiff
and slow to pick up the trot when the rider's leg pressure was applied) so when we had the equine massage therapist out to
work on a few horses we had them check out Salty as well. After our therapist worked on Salty she is
like a "brand new horse"! Since then, when I rode her out, she was happy and perky and forward and trotted
nicely in front of the other horse. This little mare was most likely used as a "spare horse" in her last home. She
is level headed and is a total lady. Salty is traffic safe and has been trail ridden. She is at the bottom
of the pecking order and very, very sweet. I believe she's about 14 hands tall but we need to measure her.
She is easy to tack up and rides well in a hackamore. Salty direct reins and stops easily. She can be a bit
unsure of where you want her to go, until you head out, but then she is very willing and able and appears to be unafraid of
most everything she goes by, tarps, vehicles, a long conjoined group of black mailboxes (I mention this as nearly every horse
we ride, tends to want to take a wide berth around them), etc. Salty is priced at $400.

SOLDBabe: This mare is a registered 1996, APHA mare. Her
registered name is "Skippers BlueHoney", #338,641. Babe is a very quiet, sweet-tempered mare that has basically been
used as a trail horse. She rides in a hackamore. She had professional training as a 2 yr. old, so is very well
versed on a lungeline. She is a very easy keeper and at the bottom of the "pecking order" in the pasture. She
will most likely work for beginners with some riding knowledge. She is very "out of shape", but also seems a bit uncomfortable
at times, when ridden, so we are having her evaluated by our farrier and a horse massage therapist. We have just
started riding her and will update her info as we know more.
Update: 11/29/14 - I should have updated this mare's info a month ago, that's the
last time we took Babe out with Salty for a brief ride. I had a massage therapist out just one week after our fundraiser
where the kids riding Babe, noticed she appeared to be somewhat uncomfortable. The therapist was also
there that day and worked on her for a little bit, which seemed to help. We all agreed that she was in need of
a trim to alter the angle of her feet. I had her feet trimmed 3 days after the fundraiser and when our massage therapist
came out the following weekend, she found no more signs of pain or discomfort, where she had previously. The only thing
we noticed the last time she was ridden, was that her feet were a bit tender on the gravel. If it had been riding season,
I would've had her shod in front, until her hooves grew out a little and she got used to the corrected angle of her feet,
from the trim. This mare seems to prefer the company of people to that of other horses, when you really spend time with
her. She has the sweetest disposition and would make someone, a new best friend. At this time we are asking $850
for Babe.

SOLD Cookie: 20+ year old grade dun mare.
This is a very kind, older mare. When she was younger, she even rode out in Medora. She went to Camp Shamineau
this year for her previous owner's grandchild, as the horse that was meant to be used, got hurt. She will be good for
light riding, preferably by a child or smaller adult, she does have a bit of a low back. We were told she only direct
reins and will be trying her out very soon. She is also excellent with other horses, could get along with any, providing
they weren't out to beat her up. She would be safest in a mellow group of horses. She has a very sweet disposition.

SOLD Bob: 11 year old spotted donkey jack. What a character!
Bob came in from some friends of ours that are selling their farm and needing to place their large animals. We
also got in his "wife" Pickles and will be posting pics and an ad on her later this week. They were bred a number of
times and always had a little white mule or a spotted one. The mare is also spotted. Bob isn't a real noisy
guy, just the occasional "honk" when we're out feeding or when a new horse arrives, that is housed near him. We
need to tape him for his correct height, but he's got to be 13+ hands tall, just under the mammoth donkey height requirement.
He does pull on his lead rope so you need to keep him close. We could rehome him with "his wife" if anyone were interested.
She will be going online this week. She has really only been a broodmare. Bob's price is $350.

SOLD Ozzy: This is a registered
ApHC mare. She was brought to us by her former owners, so that we could help to find her a new home. We have a
copy of her papers, but not the original and since it's not been found, as of yet, we will be selling her as grade.
Her name is "Total Awesome Class". Her sire is: Crystal Approval and her dam is: BR Glitter and Class.
She was foaled on 04/12/2004. We were told she contracted Lymes Disease at her previous home and was treated for it
by a veterinarian. However, she still has "off" days so we feel she should be considered as a companion horse and if
she were to stay sound on joint medication, her new owner could very well have a spare riding horse, as she is broke to ride.
I will be having our vet check her out on his next visit, but we haven't ridden her here and really don't plan to, at this
time. This mare gets along well in our herd and is a very easy keeper. She loves treats, but is not overly personable.

SOLD Lacey: 20 year old grulla Quarter Horse mare. This mare is
the perfect package, she has the looks, disposition and the training! We've seen her ride well for at least 5 riders
with different riding abilities as well as different levels of confidence. Lacey is an easy going, well broke mare. She
is approx. 15 hands tall and nicely built. She is a sweet, friendly mare. Easy to catch, stands tied, stands for
tacking up and fly spray, gets along well with other horses. Lacey is a great trail horse. She is traffic safe and not spooky.
Neck reins, backs nicely and is light mouthed. Will lead or follow along when ridden with another horse. Smooth gaits. Will
also ride bareback with just a halter and lead. Lacey would be suitable for any number of riders, from a less experienced
rider on up. She is sound and healthy, has a good disposition and is an all-around nice mare. Lacey is registered AQHA
but her papers were lost, if her previous owner finds them we will update this ad with her pedigree. $1350

SOLD RF Happy Gilmore: 1999 registered Pinto gelding. "Happy"
is a beautiful, part-Arab large pony (I think around 13 hands or so, we need to measure him). We were contacted by Happy's
former owner for help in finding him a good home. He is broke to ride and we were told should have a rider with experience.
Happy has been foundered and needs to be kept off pasture/in a dry lot. More info coming soon.

SOLD Banjo: 4 year old jenny Mule. Approx. 15 hands and stout.
Her dam was a Tennessee Walker mare. Banjo is a nice looking jenny that is halterbroke and is ready to start training. She
has been well taken care of and had only one owner from birth until now, her owner contacted us for help in finding
her a good home. Banjo has only been trailered once, when we picked her up and she's pretty hesitant about loading.
She has a good disposition and will make a nice riding mule. Banjo should have an owner with "mule experience". She
is sound and healthy. More information and photos coming soon. $500

SOLD Rusty: 20 year old red roan john (gelding) Mule. Rusty
is approx. 15 hands tall. He is well broke to ride and has been ridden in the mountains of CO, WY and MT. Rusty has a good disposition and likes attention. He is easy to catch, trim and shoe.
Rusty was with the same owner for many years and was very well taken care of. His owner contacted
us for help in finding Rusty a good home. We were told Rusty is a good trail Mule and has also been used to
pack. Rusty direct reins and is very smooth under saddle. We also have the Australian saddle his owner used on him (see photo)
as well as his old pack harness. The saddle is in excellent shape.

SOLD:Ocelia Marie: 1995 registered Thoroughbred mare.
"Moriah" is approx 15.1/15.2 hands tall. She belonged to the same home for years and was very well taken care
of. Sadly, her owner's job requires she move out of the country and she contacted us for help in finding Moriah a safe,
long-term home. Moriah is a well trained mare, she has been trail ridden and overnight camping and also had dressage and jumping
training in the past. At one time, she was even trained to drive, but didn't do it long term. Moriah is blind in
one eye but well adjusted to it, she is sound and healthy otherwise. She has not been ridden much in the last year or so.
We will be updating her ad as soon as we've had time to ride her here a few more times. Moriah's pedigree can be seen at:
Update 6/24/14: We've ridden Moriah out a couple times now and
she's been well behaved. Her only silly habit is neighing a bit when you first start out to see if she can get one of
the pasture horses to answer her. Each time she went out, it was with another horse we've been riding so we don't know
how happy she'd be, going out alone. However, her previous owner was down to just one horse, her, when I picked her
up so I'm assuming she rode her out alone from her farm. She is a nice mare, friendly and responsive and works very
well off leg cues, going down the road, we had her leg yields as in dressage. She has her moments when being
tacked up as she'll jig around a bit. I should've cross-tied her, which would've helped. She gets along well with
other horses and you'd never know she was blind in one eye, if you didn't see it.
We feel that she'd do best with a confident intermediate rider or an advanced one.
The right type of person will really enjoy this mare and get a lot out of her as she's been trained in a number of disciplines.
She just needs to get ridden more, she really seems to enjoy it. $500

Cupcake is SOLD, Moonshine is SOLD Cupcake and Moonshine: 9 year old pony mare and her 2013 stud colt. Cupcake is an extremely sweet
little mare. Easy to catch, loves attention. I had a hard time getting any photos of her as she was determined to follow me
all around the pen. We were contacted by Cupcake's former owner for help finding her a home. He told us she is well broke
to ride and was ridden by his young children. Cupcake is blind in one eye but is well adjusted to it. She has a wonderful
disposition, friendly and easy going.
Moonshine is her 2013 foal, he is 5 months old. He is not yet halterbroke but we will be working
with him as we have time. We are advertising them as a pair at this time, but plan to wean Moonshine within
the month. $275 for the pair.
Update: Moonshine has been hiding the fact that he is pretty well halter-broke. :-) He
was excellent for his first trim! His name has also been changed to Moonshadow, in honor of my brother

SOLD Skip: 19 year old grade Arabian/Appaloosa cross
gelding. Approx. 15 hands tall. Skip is friendly and easy to catch. He is a flashy older gelding and is well broke to ride.
He is a former 4-H show horse. In recent years Skip has mostly been trail ridden. He also has done open gaming classes.
Skip's former owner contacted us for help in finding him a good home. She would like to touch base with his new home from
time to time. Skip stands tied and stands for tacking up. Skip has a ground covering walk and is a great trail horse. He is
traffic safe, not spooky and is used to 4-wheelers. Will blaze trail, go through puddles, etc. Skip is very light mouthed
and rides well in a hackamore. Neck reins, very responsive under saddle. We feel he could be suited to a confident beginner
with basic riding skills and light hands. Skip is sound and healthy and has a current coggins test. We plan to take him to
a fun game show within the next few weeks if he is still here. Skip does require daily grain to maintain his weight. $750

SOLD IH Tangarai: 2002 registered APHA mare. Tangarai is
approx. 14.2 hands tall. She is broke to ride but has not been ridden in the last 2 years.
Tangarai rides like a well started, but not finished mare. She has good ground manners and is gentle and
easy to handle. She leads, stands tied and trailers. Under saddle she direct reins and stops well. She needs a rider with
experience to finish her training. Priced at $275.

SOLD Herman and Horatio: 3 year old purebred, unregistered
Clydesdale geldings. Herman and Horatio are half-brothers, only one month apart in age. The first two photos
are Horatio, the 2nd two photos are of Herman, (he is the one with the most white). Horatio is approx. 17 hands tall. Herman
is approx. 17.2 hands tall. With training, they would make a very nice team. Their previous owner
contacted us for help in finding them a good home.
Both geldings are very friendly. They love to be groomed, stand for fly spray and have been bathed. Good
for the farrier. They have been exposed to tracters, lawn mowers, golf carts, etc. Both have excellent dispositions and are
gentle with kids, cats, dogs, etc. They get along well with other horses. Herman and Horatio are sound and healthy and ready
to start training. These geldings are very gentle but are young and are VERY big and need a home experienced with draft horses.
Current coggins tests. If possible, we would like to find them a new home as a team as they have been together since they
were foals. $1500/for both Herman and Horatio.

SOLD Zip: 15 year old grade black mare. Approx. 14.3 hands
tall. Zip is back with us due to the fact that her current owner feels she doesn't have the experience required for this mare.
We took her to the local outside arena shortly after her return, she rode the same for us as she did last fall. She did
well and was very relaxed.
Zip has good ground manners and gets along well with other horses. Stands tied, trailers, stands for
saddling. Zip is a well broke mare and would be best suited to a calm, light handed rider. She needs a rider with confidence
and experience as she initally is a bit anxious/tense before you start out on a ride and she knows what to expect, (a little
"wound up" but settles down when you head out to ride). Last fall we took this mare on a 2 hour trail ride at Pillsbury forest
and she did wonderful. She neck reins and is very responsive under saddle. Zip is sound and healthy. $675

SOLD Topper: 15 year old grade Saddlebred gelding. Topper
is approx. 15.2 hands tall. He is a very nice looking gelding with a good disposition. Easy to catch, stands tied, stands
for tacking up. We bought Topper at an auction after seeing him ridden around for hours by a very abusive rider. He was being
run back and forth, his mouth was being ripped on, he was hit with a stick and then finally hit in the head. It was one of
the worst cases of abusive riding we have ever seen. Because of this, when we brought him home we gave him some time off to
relax. He is a very forgiving horse and adjusted very well here. Topper is well broke to ride, however the first few minutes
of the ride he is a bit nervous, we're sure due to past treatment. Once he realizes no one is going to beat on him he relaxes.
Topper direct reins nicely and stops easily. He is light mouthed and has smooth gaits. We feel Topper would be best suited
to a confident intermediate rider. $475