Consignment horses: For some of these horses, we have additional
pics we can send. In most cases we did not take the photos nor have we met or handled these horses in person. We
are describing them in the owner's words. Feel free to contact the owner for more information and please make sure to let
them know that you saw their horse advertised on our website. Thank you!

Posting this ad-5/25/16: This is Indigo. I received a wonderful,
descriptive email from her owner, after a long phone conversation and will copy and paste the majority of it here, so you
can learn her story. The picture got a bit "cropped" when I re-sized it. I will probably change it out for a full
picture of her. Here is the description of Indigo, from her current owner.
Attached is a pic of the horse I was telling
you about over the phone a few
days ago. Her name is Indigo and she is half Quarter Horse, half Mustang. She is
21 years old, healthy, with sound feet and good teeth that we had floated last
fall. I think she is about 15 hands high, possibly a little more. She was used
as a trail horse before we got her, ridden in a curb bit and tie-down by
well-intentioned but inexperienced teenage riders. She has never been separated
from her foal Chase (now 16 years old) and shows severe anxiety and herd bound
issues whenever he leaves her side. She is afraid of just about everything, but
will stand for the farrier as long as Chase is near her. She lacks trust, but
has made progress with us as we worked with her over the winter. (We got her
last October). She will let us approach her and pet her, groom her, put a rope
around her neck, lower her head, halter her, and lead her away from the barn and
the other horses. I also worked with her on trailer loading. She is extremely
sensitive about her ears, but will let me touch them now. We have only been
working on ground work, responding to pressure and basic handling and have not
ridden her since last fall as we were planning to train her for the snaffle bit
this summer. I think it would be very good for both her and Chase to be
separated from each other. She needs to learn how to bond to people and trust
With the right person, I believe Indigo has potential to be a great trail
horse. She needs an experienced handler who has a lot of patience and is willing
to take the time and go slow and gentle with her. I would love to keep her and
work with her, but we don’t have the right facility to separate her from the
others and I think that would be best for both her and our other horses. It
would also give me more time to train and work with the other horse, Chase, who
also needs a lot of training but is much more easygoing and trusting.
This is a very caring owner,
who just wants what's best for this mare. I told her I thought she'd make a nice summer project for an experienced,
patient, teenaged girl. She would appreciate a small donation towards the cost of the mare's vet and dental work, but
is mostly concerned that she go to a good, safe, long-term home. If you'd like to contact Judy, on this mare, she can
be reached at this email address:

Baron: 6 year old QH/Paint cross gelding. Baron is a very nice horse with a great disposition
but is not sound to ride. He had Lymes and has had back issues, I think he may have nerve damage. I've tried chiropracters
and supplements. I've owned Baron since he was born so this is a tough decision, but I board my horses and have to move them
soon and won't be able to bring Baron along. Free to a good home with references, would be a great companion horse. Please
contact Amy for more information: Baron is located in Pillager, MN.

Missy: 2009 grade QH mare. About 14 hands tall. Super sweet and very athletic. Daughter has sat on her.
Ready to start training. $150. Please contact Bunny for more information: Located near Warroad, MN.

black Miniature gelding. Mixer was shown as a younger horse in halter classes and did place. He is registered and does come with his papers. He stands good for his feet which are done on a regular
basis; also he has been clipped so he knows what body clippers are. This guy is not broke to ride but I’m sure it wouldn’t
take much to do. He was a show horse and with a little conditioning could go back to the ring. He would be perfect for a young
child going into 4h!! Open to offers. Please call after 6pm 218-251-5373

Classical Cody: 1994 registered black tobiano APHA stallion. Cody is 15.1 hands tall.
He is an easy stallion to handle, very calm, even when breeding. Has produced 80% color for his current owners. Pedigree can
be seen at:
Price is negotiable to a good home. Located in Clarissa, MN. Please contact Kevin for more information:

Karlyssa De: 1992 registered Arabian mare. Karlyssa has a good pedigree with Bask and
Khemosabi bloodlines. She leads, longes, ground drives, stands for farrier & tacking up and loads nicely. She
has been rode by my grandkids being lead around both with/without saddle. She has had a saddle on a few times with an adult
rider and is not used to it yet. She does some hopping and needs to be finished out. She has good ground manners
and likes attention. $500. Pedigree can be seen at:
Please call Kathy for more information: 218-267-5008
Paint mare and 1/2 Arab mare: Both 6 years old. The Paint mare is halterbroke and very
gentle. She stands well for the farrier. She is companion sound only. The 1/2 Arabian mare is a bay. She is halterbroke and
very gentle. Good feet. Will make a nice riding horse when trained. Both mares are free to good homes. Please contact Shannon
at: (320) 355-2629 for more information. Located between Hillman and Foley.