Sue and Jewel

This is an update, as of June 22/2021. I will be adding some new horses, looking for new homes, soon. I also would like
to announce, that we will be having our fall fundraiser, this year. I plan to have a date, by August and will let everyone
know, as soon as I have it locked in. It should be in September.
This is Libby.
Meet BlackJack and Sundance.

BlackJack is sold. He and Sundance went to live together, at a friend’s farm. :-)
We took in these 2 older camp horses, in the hopes of finding
them each a wonderful retirement home, whether together or separately. First there's BlackJack, he's a nice aged gelding
that's worked in the camps for years. he's ready to retire and needs a "nice, soft place to land". He is currently
on alfalfa and grain daily, but would do wonderfully on a good grass pasture. he would make an excellent companion horse.
If someone buys Sundance and wants to bring him home, as well, we would send him along "for a song"...provided they are headed
to a good, safe retirement home.

Sundance is sold. :-)

Then there's Sundance. This older gal still has her get up and
go and would still enjoy going out on rides. She is best suited for a child(light weight rider) with some riding experience,
because even though she is very well broke...she turns on a dime and will speed up immediately, when asked to. She can
be a bit cinchy so should be cinched up slowly or simply throw on a bareback pad, like I did. she has been known to
pull back when tied, just every now and then, so we had her in the barn and simply dropped(or you can hold onto) the lead
line, when saddling her up. She's extremely sweet and kind and easy to be around. they both like being fussed
with, especially, her. we have her priced at $175.00 or $225.00, with her good friend, BlackJack, to a good, safe retirement
Updated 9/13/18:
Just wanted to mention this fall's fundraiser! It will be held on Sat. September 29th, starting at 10:00 at the Pillager
Fairgrounds. No testing required...ribbons for 1st thru 6th place, high point trophies, food on grounds, plus photos taken
all day long! I've added a senior+ class in all the events so people have more chances tp place. Last year was our best
year, ever....hoping for another great one. Will try an download a picture of this year's show bill. There is one noticeable
correction, the final copy is being printed out now and I will be leaving copies at: J and B Western, the Pillager Post Office,
KC's Bar and the new Casey's Gas Station in Pillager. For those of you that filled in your email on last year's entry, my
friend Donna, will be emailing out an attachment for your convenience, so you can have it "pre-filled out" if you choose to...just
print it and choose your classes!
My iPad won't let me download the show bill image...but I do have the image on my 2 Facebook sites: Sue McPherson and
Great Expectations Fundraiser Show.
Sue & Dixie: I ran across this picture of
me and my little rescued 33 year old hinny, Dixie, the other day and thought I’d
add it to the webpage. She made me smile more than any other horse/donkey/mule
that we’ve ever had here. I lost her to colic, 2 years ago and she is never far
from my thoughts. She took a big chunk of my heart, with her, when she “crossed
over”. Behind us, is her “roommate” Bill...they made the cutest old couple,
teasing some...bickering some...but caring for each other. Bill passed away,
just weeks after Dixie, it nearly killed me, but when I think of the two of
them, together on the “other side”, it brings me much comfort.
We currently have 2 new horses
in, looking for their new homes. One is a buckskin quarterhorse mare. She's been used as a trail horse. We will be riding
her and then will put up pics and her ad and one for the 20 year Quarterhorse gelding that is sound enough for small children's
They have both been placed.
We are having another fall fundraiser horse show this fall! I will download a file which shows the actual sheet you'd be
signing up on. It will be at the Pillager Fairgrounds on Sat. Sept. 30th, starting at 10:00. We'll have a great food vendor
on the grounds for the day, as well as the lunch break! All necessary info is on this copy except the fact that we'll have
ribbons for 1st thru 6th, plus awards for Hi-Point in all 3 classes, that will include a gift certificate from JB Western
and our phone #, should you have any questions: (218)746-4161. I have copies for anyone that wants one at Petro Plus in Pillager
and JB Western store. I can also mail out to anyone that lives farther away, from my stack of copies at home!
THIS LAST FUNDRAISER HAD THE MOST CONTESTANTS, EVER! Couldn't have asked for more...super wonderful people, awesome
horses, the best of announcer, entry, food and ring help...PLUS, a gorgeous day! Many thanks to all involved.
Just put up a description and a couple pictures of the 2 newest horses.
I have tried and tried to download a picture pf the show bill to this website, but my crappy laptop is dying off and won't
let me do it! I do have pictures of the show bill on my Facebook page, as well as on the Great Expectations Fundraiser Show
page, so you can see them there, as well as save and print a copy of the picture.
All these guys have been placed, but for one, the AQHA gelding. We have 5 new, broke horses of various ages and temperaments,
that are up for sale/adoption. The weather needs to warm up so they can be ridden and pictures taken, before they're
priced. I have pretty solid histories and pictures with the previous owners, on at least 4 of them, as well. Just
wanted to mention that there is an AQHA gelding, a grade Quarterhorse mare, an AHA gelding, a Pinto Arabian (possibly NSH)
gelding and a smaller Percheron mare. I hope to have a number of them on the for sale page by February! THE NEW HORSES ARE NOW LISTED. THIS IS
THE NICEST GROUP I’VE EVER HAD HERE, AT ONE TIME! Also just wanted to mention that I'm always looking to stock up on
good quality hay, especially big, round bales. I would definitely work hay into the purchase of some of these horses...not
necessarily for the whole purchase price, but for a good part of it.
a quick note to say that Buddy, the donkey has found a wonderful new home with our good friend, Jenny. Also, good old
Nebah, the teen-aged Arabian gelding has gone to his new home to keep a donkey jenny, company. That just leaves Dakota,
at this time.
spends 5-6 hours a day inside, in order to keep his nose from getting extreme sun burn. It works perfectly, unlike having
to treat him with a strong sun screen daily, plus aloe-vera gel, when he did burn a bit. Just wanted to mention this
as all white nosed horses with pink skin, have a tendancy to painfully sun burn this time of year. Note: I only
had to do this for about 2 months!
DAKOTA sold and is "living
the dream" as a companion horse for a very nice mare.
Our last fundraiser show was a total success! We had a wonderful group of
contestants, great weather and I had plenty of help. A good time was had by all! :-)
Below, you can see our actual show-bill for our last GX Fundraiser
Show. I haven't tried printing one out from the picture, as I'm real low on printer ink. There are ones that
can be taken, hanging at Petro Plus and I have a ton of them here, at home....I'm just 1 1/2 miles from Petro Plus.
So if anyone needs more to put up or have to "fill out in advance", just let me know. I'm still looking for volunteers to "run the gate" to give Joe a break, as well as picture
takers, so I have more pictures to choose from and upload, after the show.

A Big "Shout-Out" To Our Friend, Donna Klimek
She was kind enough to donate the needed funds, to buy our ribbons
for this show!!!
Updated: 5/25/16
Just wanted to mention that GX
Ranch will be having it's final fundraiser show on May 21st. I'll be putting a lot more info on the GX Facebook page
in the next 2 weeks. Since I am fully retired now, I will have to work to place those that need homes, over the summer.
If I'm successful, I will still want to help as much as I can, but only with 2 or 3 at a time. That way, it won't be
financially difficult. This show will require a current Coggins
test, as they are required for all other fairground shows. I plan on also having a silent auction, like we do in the
fall. If anyone has anything to donate, that would be wonderful. I'm also still hoping to receive 2 more donated
trophies. I'm also looking for someone that is willing to provide & serve food for the contestants. The money
they make, will be all theirs...just leaves me free to help in the arena, take pictures & work at the desk. Any
questions, just email or call.
On another note: I have 2 new geldings in that
are being evaluated by close friends of mine. They are both doing well and will be pictured on the "For Sale" page,
when they come back home! Update on the geldings: One already has a new home and I will
be putting up Dakota's ad within the week. I also have an extremely wonderful donkey john (gelding)
that is looking for a new home. I have just added a mustang/cross mare to our consignment page, for her
11/14/15: Nigel left for his new home today and part of his sale, involved, taking in
a 14 year old, Arab/Quarter Horse. He's chestnut with a blaze, 3 socks and a flaxen mane and tail. He's a little
guy, approximately 13.2 I plan to take him out for a real ride tomorrow, rode him briefly today.
I've put up most of the 2015 Fall Fundraiser Horse Show
pictures on our Great Expectations Facebook page.
The Fall Fundraiser Horse Show date for
2015, has been set. If you scroll down this first page, you will see the details and a copy of the show bill.........
The 2015 Spring Fundraiser was a total success!!! Great day.....great turn-out.....had
so much great help, that I really got to visit with everyone.....couldn't be happier! To see a ton of photos, go to
the "Great Expectations Fundraiser Page" on Facebook. I'll get a few pics on here, later.
2014 fall fundraiser was a great success! Will put up pictures soon. The first thing I did was to apply
for "non-profit" status and we were accepted. WE ARE NOW OFFICIALLY A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION!!!
9/7/15 Update: Our newest gelding, mentioned above, Sultan a.k.a. "Sunny" is at
a close friend's stable, being evaluated. He is doing very well and will post pictures & status, soon.
4/1/15-Update on Sonic: He will be ridden here in the next week or so, just to be
sure he's the same sort of horse he was, when we placed him years ago. His weight is back on and we'll be putting on
new pictures real soon. He has the most wonderful personality, he's a "people horse" as well as a real clown!
5/1/15-Update on Sonic: We will be placing him into the right home, at no charge,
as a companion horse. If you go to the page that he's listed on, the "for sale" page....there will be an explanation. Updates on these 2: Sultan went to his new home months ago and Sonic went the first part of
this month, to be a companion horse to another "old-timer"!
Here is a copy of our up and coming 2015 "GX Fall Fundraiser" show bill. I
apologize for it's "quality" as I found one from last spring and used "white-out and a pen to make the changes. Then
it got wrinkled, plus a feed can was set on it....so it goes. At least anyone interested, can see the classes, etc.
It will be the same show that we had last spring. Hope to see all of you there! The one difference this fall,
is that we will be having the "Silent Auction", as we always do. It will feature mostly horse related items and art,
but there will be some vintage/antique items, as well. If you have anything you'd care to donate, please contact us,
so you can drop it off or we can pick it up!
GX Fall Fundraiser - Show Bill |
The "Fall Fundraiser" for 2015, was the very best one we've ever had.
The weather was perfect, the people were fantastic and the funds that were raised, were "over the top"! We couldn't
be happier!! We'll be adding pictures, soon. We want to thank all the contestants, the bidders and all those who
helped out, during the show.

This is a collage I made, using some of the photos taken at out 2014
Fundraiser Horse Show. I literally ended up printing it out and taking a picture of "the picture", emailing it to us,
downloading it a memory card and uploading it on this site. The site I created it on kept trimming too much off to use
their emailed copy. Just explaining as the quality could have been better. Will probably add a second one, as
I have a lot more pictures.

These pictures were taken the 2nd day of our Fundraiser Weekend, the day of the trail ride. There were many more
people there, but Brook was only able to grab a few photos as she had her hands full with her horse, that day. I missed
the ride, sadly, as I was extremely sick that weekend, or there would have been a bunch more pictures.

Thank you everyone who attended our 2nd annual fundraiser! Thankfully the weather cooperated with us both days, the fun show was a blast and the trail ride was beautiful. The
money raised will greatly help with the care of our rescue horses through the winter months.
Special thanks to:
Ashley and Mark Kelly and Joe
Anne N. Rene
and Lataya
Angie K.
Shayne and Trista
Nikki and Jade
Donna K. The
Mike N.
Jenny S.
Jack and Rosemary Gwen
Amanda and JoAnn Josh and Adriane
Janine and Jeff Maria
and Pam
Donna F.
J and B Western
Turtle River Equine A Bit of Tack
Cyrus the Potter County Line Farrier
Famous Daves
Barb T.
Rick E.
And thank you to those that showed up for the trail ride, it was great to see you all!
We will be adding last fall's fundraiser pics in the next week or so......misplaced the memory card
and just found it this week.

Will be adding more fundraiser photos soon!
I've been meaning to mention a few of the extraordinary
people that have had a big part in helping us out this winter. I want to thank Carrie for all the beautiful blankets
she sent us. I can't say enough about Ash and Mark and Kelly for all their help when our water froze up this winter....both
sources became unusable. And I really can't forget to thank those of you that have sent donations, always when we need
it the most: The Dawsons, the Swansons, Deb,Donna and Barb. If I'm forgetting anyone, I apologize from the bottom of
my heart.
Thanks are in order again, this spring! We'd like to thank Brad, Becky
and Pete for their $$$ donation that we were able to use for our annual springtime worming. Thanks again to Chrissy
for her wonderful pony blanket and tack contribution. We now have pony blankets that are even fancier than our horse
ones, not to mention the "Scottish Plaid" pony fly masks.......especially appealing to us, as we're a good part, Scottish......right
down to our name!
A HUGE thank you for the helpers on our spring workdate!!!
Hope to get up a few pictures, soon. Our good buddies: Mark and Ash, Kelly and Joe, Trista and Wyatt, Lena and
ourselves, managed to set up a huge outdoor arena, they got a hitching post put in for us (our 1st), bad boards replaced on
the outside of the barn and remounted feeders and doors adjusted and better latch systems, on the box stalls in the barn.
With all the hard times we all go through, there comes a time like this, when it makes it all worthwhile.
We recieved a donation today, that is above and beyond any expectation that we
may ever have had. Vic and Trish Thiedek will be heading for their new home in Tennessee next week. Trish
learned about us through our mutual friend/farrier, Kim Otterson. She had up to 2 horses/1 donkey that she asked
us to take on and place for her as the move would leave her with no time. She actually was able to place 2 in marvelous
homes by herself and in bringing the 3rd to us, today, she gifted us with a driving sulky and a much needed 2-3 horse, slant
trailer. I'm still pinching myself to know that I'm not dreaming!!! I hope she realizes what a gift this is.
Ours is so in need of repair and to have a back-up trailer is more than we could ever dream of.
Fundraiser 2013:
Below are a series of pictures from our 3rd Annual Fundraiser, they're from our 2nd Annual Fun Show and
the following day's trail ride at Pillager State Forest. Even with the weather being on the "damp" side on Saturday,
everyone had a great time!