Click on the image to bring up a bigger picture. We usually have more photos of the horses listed that we can email
upon request.
If you are under the age of 18 and interested in one of our horses, please have a parent or guardian contact us. Thanks!
(218) 746-4161
MEET T-REX! "T" is an aged AQHA gelding that was used at riding camps for years. When I got
a call, from a concerned wrangler, I happily agreed to take him in, sight unseen. Old camp horses, I've found, are generally
the most deserving of end up in a loving retirement home.....never to be over-worked again, nor to go to bed, hungry.
I was told he was underweight, but not how much. I was expecting him to look rough and this top picture is "arrival
day". He is on a diet of soaked feed, grain plus senior feed and alfalfa hay. I will have his teeth checked the
next time I have the vet out. Like most older horses, he can't eat all of the hay, but is able to get all the "leafy
parts" out plus more. He is extremely kind, bright-eyed and broke to death.....a
baby sitter. That's what I was told about him and I totally believe it, though I won't be trying him out until he gains
at least another 100#'s. He's already started, the next picture is about a week later and the last one is about 2 weeks
after that. With a long, tall "frame" like his, it'll take awhile, but I'll get him back. I have a nice warm
blanket waiting to be put on as soon as it's necessary, as well.

End of week 1.

End of week 3, looks a bit rougher than the picture shows, but the weight gain is going strong.....slowly,
but surely.
UPDATE: 1/24/16 Sadly, we
lost T-Rex today. His tired old body simply gave up & shut down. It appears like he just lay down and left
us. He will be sorely missed. I believe he's in a better place, as a younger, healthier horse, cavorting with
the angels. Love ya, old man!

SOLD:Zorro: 20 year old grade black gelding. Zorro is a big grade Paint gelding,
could even have some draft in there, somewhere. He came in with the name, "The Ole Man". We thought it more dignified
to give him a real name. We got him in from some people we know, that were moving and had to part with most of
their horses. He was used to lead little kids around on, bareback in just a halter and lead rope. Zorro
has put on some weight since coming in and has a pretty nice attitude. Had his feet trimmed a week ago and
he was good for that. His eyes seem to have a mild sensitivity to light and we are planning to have a vet out to
check into that. He's somewhat "squinty" in the bright sun, but is much better on a cloudy day or at night. We
plan to ride him very soon and see what he's all about. We will be updating his ad at that time.
11/7/14: Had the vet out last month and learned that Zorro has the beginnings
of "moon blindness". We were able to treat him through the "cycle" he was currently in, so that he is comfortable and is
able to open both eyes much more normally. He will eventually lose his sight, but he is such a kind, gentle horse, that
he's still make a nice addition to someone as a "companion" horse. We still plan to try him out.
Update: 11/28/14 - Zorro was ridden here for the first time 2 weeks ago. Tacking him up, was
like putting tack on a giant horse statue......he didn't move a muscle. Our friend, Kelly was out and rode him.
He side-stepped away a little at first and then she just got on and he was just fine. We don't know the last time he
was ridden by actual adults. He is very well broke and remained calm and quiet. What a good boy! He is totally
up to full weight and holds his own in the pasture. We are looking for a wonderful, loving, long-term home for this
big guy. Will need to tape his height, but he should stand at least 15.2-15.3 and he's a large framed horse.

1/12/15: Zorro - I thought it time to put on his
updated pics. He looks very good and has been easy to maintain in the main pasture. He is one of the "top dogs"
out there and comes in once a day for grain. I actually blanketed him and Shiloh this weekend, due to their age.

SOLD Stella: 20+ year old Saddlebred mare. We got Stella in as a rescue a number of years ago and
after going through 2 new owners, she's back. Her last owner couldn't afford the board on two horses and seeing as she goes
out on frequent, long rides; she decided to part with her older horse.
Stella is a silly mare that thinks
she's younger than she is. She doesn't like to stand and wait in her stall after she's eaten her grain, she paws
at the door and nickers at you to let you know she's ready to go. Other than that she has good ground manners. Stella stands
for saddling and mounting and is willing to ride right out. She is a very well trained mare. She was initially trained
for English riding so she only direct reins. We ride her Western and she does very well. She's a longer, lean built horse
in excellent health, but she does have high withers/a low back, so I use a blanket under her saddle pad. She has been
real good riding out and the more she's ridden, the better she is. She's not a complete slowpoke so we feel she'd do
best with an advanced beginner and on up. Considering her age, Stella would do well for someone that rode either
less frequently or just wanted to go out on shorter rides. Traffic safe, not spooky. She is a sound, healthy older mare
and her last owner had Stella's teeth floated last fall. She eats hay well and loves being out on the grass. She
does need to be grained daily to maintain her weight. Asking $200 to a long-term home.

Dixie: 20+ year old jenny. It looks like Dixie will be permanently
retired here along with her good friend Bill. We will be adding a page for the permanent retirees soon, (Dixie, Bill and Mazey).
Found out Dixie was actually 31, when I got her in. I loved her more than
any other animal on the place and it devastated me when I lost her to a twisted gut colic, 2 years later.

SOLD King: 20+ year old grade QH gelding. King is approx.
14.3 hands tall. He is friendly and easy to catch. Stands for saddling and mounting. King neck reins easily, backs nicely
and is very well broke to ride. He will ride out alone and is not spooky. He is broke enough for a beginner but would take
advantage of a insecure/nervous rider (will turn around and walk back to the barn). King is extremely smart and does very
well when riding out. However, if you putz around in the yard and ride away then come back, killing time before actually leaving
on "the" ride, he figures the ride is over. A confident rider can remind him that the ride is not yet over and head him out
again. King also rides bareback. Stands tied, trailers well and likes attention. We were told King's last owners sold him
as he is not sound enough for "hard" riding. We haven't seen a specific lameness with him but we do feel he probably is a
bit arthritic. For this reason he would be best suited to lighter riding. He would be a great walk/trot horse though he will
canter with encouragement. We really appreciate this gelding, he's smarter than the "average" horse and is very well trained.
We liked him so well we paid more for him then we would normally do with a less-than-sound horse, as his time was limited
and there was a good chance he would have ended up being sold by the pound. He's too nice of a horse for that and deserves
a safe home where he will be appreciated. $400

SOLD Chiefy: 18 year old grade Morgan gelding. Chiefy
is approx. 14.2 hands tall. He has a good disposition and loves people and attention. Chiefy stands tied and has good ground
manners. Stands for clipping and fly spray. He is sound and healthy but is missing his left eye. He was sold loose through
Verndale with no information. We were recently contacted by a previous owner and were able to find out some history on him.
They told us that years ago he was donated to a college for their riding program but as his training wasn't finished, they
sold him. He then had another owner who sold him to the people that contacted us. These people did a lot of ground driving
with Chiefy and had him ready to hook up and drive. They also rode him a little but not enough finish his training, he is
still greenbroke to ride. He was sold in Aug. 2012 at the Verndale auction, with his harness, to an older man who planned
on driving him. At that time he still had both eyes. We bought him as a one-eyed horse in April 2013, which explains why it
takes him a little while to get used to new surroundings, he's only been missing that eye for 6 months max. Chiefy is a loving
horse with an excellent disposition and it would not be difficult to finish his training in either riding or driving. $300

SOLD Barclay Drive: 10 year old Thoroughbred gelding. We
ID'd Barclay by his tattoo but do not have his papers. He is an off-the-track gelding and raced for 7 years, earning nearly
$100,000 on the track (his last race was August 2012). He was in rough shape when we bought him, (I meant to list him on the
"rehab horses" page initially but just didn't get it done), he's been with us for months and has gained considerable weight
though he still has a ways to go.
Barclay was quite cranky the first few months but his attitude has been improving as time goes by, (he was
lovingly called "Shark Face" by a good friend of ours, haha). He is a devoted cribber and we have a cribbing collar on order
in his size. As far as I know he is only track broke and he will need an experienced, confident owner to train him for a new
career (preferably someone experienced with OTTBs). $200

Bill: 20+ year old grade bay gelding. Bill is a sweet old gelding and is companion sound
only due to some arthritis in one knee. He is gentle and easy to lead, stands tied and trailers well. Bill would make an excellent
companion for a foal or non-aggressive horse. Bill was very thin when we bought him, he's gained a lot of weight but
still has a little ways to go. He does need daily grain to maintain his weight. Bill is free to a good home with references.
Update: 6/3/14 Bill will be retired here with Dixie and Mazey.

IN Foster Care JW Peggys Little Jez: 2004 registered AQHA
mare. "Jez" is a sweet young mare who currently has her approx. 4 month old grade buckskin colt at her side. Jez needs some
weight but is healthy and has a great appetite and will be looking better in short order. Jez is halterbroke and friendly.
She has a quiet disposition and is very easy going. We don't know if she's had any time under saddle or has just been a broodmare.
We have her AQHA papers in hand but do not have a signed transfer. We are working on contacting her previous owner to try
and get one. Jez's colt has a "two to three finger" hernia. We will be getting a quote from our vet on the cost of repairing
it. It would make sense to have him gelded at the same time. Jez's pedigree can be seen at: Jez's colt has found a home. We are asking $175 for Jez.
UPDATE 3/26/13: Looks like Jez's foster may be adopting her so she is unavailable at
this time.
Jez: Jez found a permanent home with her temporary foster, earlier this year.

SOLD If: 21 year old grade QH gelding. "If" is approx. 15
hands tall. He is a former barrel horse and was retired from riding as he developed some arthritis in recent years.
He has good ground manners and gets along well with other horses. We were contacted by his former owner for help in finding
"If" a home. She had placed him 2 years ago as a companion horse and was recently contacted as his new owners could no longer
keep him, so he has come to live with us until a new home can be found. "If" is a wonderful older gelding and is looking
for a safe, long-term home.
If was tested and treated for Lymes disease by our vet, he is now much more comfortable. Due to his years
as a ranch horse and then barrel horse, he does have some "wear and tear" but is still sound for light/recreational riding.
More info coming soon.

SOLD Strawberry: Aged (20+ years) grade roan mare. Strawberry
is approx. 15 hands tall. She is easy to catch, stands tied, trailers well. We think Strawberry may be a former riding stable
horse. She will ride out alone but is most relaxed when ridden with another horse. She will lead or follow, neck reins, traffic
safe and is not spooky. Very smooth trot. We feel Strawberry would be suitable for a confident beginner rider. She was
very thin when we bought her, our vet did extensive dental work on her and she's gained a considerable amount of weight. As
she is an older mare she should be grained 2x a day. Strawberry currently is also getting one feeding of soaked beet pulp
and alfalfa cubes daily, to help gain more weight. $325

No longer available Mazey: 20+ year grade QH mare. Mazey
was very thin when we bought her, we got her back to a healthy weight and she's maintaining well. Beautiful dark golden
palomino. Mazey likely was used as a broodmare for many years. She is a great companion horse/pet, (not broke
to ride). She is sound and healthy but is an aged mare and requires grain twice a day. She also does best with either alfalfa
hay or soaked feed, (and would probably do well on good pasture). Free to a good home with references.
Update 5/5/2012: Since Mazey has been with us for so long, we have just decided
to retire her here.